
Kaboro is a Ph.D. candidate in Geospatial Sciences & Engineering with specialization in Remote Sensing Geography at South Dakota State University (SDSU). He holds a MSc. in Applied Geomatics from Université Laval, Quebec (Canada), and a BSc. in Telecommunications Engineering from University of Sidi Mohamed ben Abdallah, Morocco. He served as a lecturer in Geomatics and as the Information System Manager at IPR/IFRA (Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée), Mali, before starting his Ph.D. program in Geospatial Science and Engineering at SDSU in Fall 2015. Kaboro is the recipient of a BHEARD (Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development) fellowship from USAID.

Research Interests

Kaboro’s dissertation research focuses on the use and improvement of remote sensing and geospatial technologies in support of famine early warning and food security institutions in West Africa, with a focus on Mali. The first stage of the research has used satellite remote sensing data on vegetation greenness and leaf area to calibrate crop growth models to estimate crop yields. Interannual variation in predicted yields will be compared to agricultural statistics available in Mali. The second phase explores the geographic and economic causes of variability in crop production to develop crop yield gap analysis across West Africa Sahel.